Wabba meets Skye 14
Done a mix again. This time to Wabba my friend in Boston who has delighted me with a awesome stream and broadcast during the winter. We had talked alot about…
MC, DIY, Music, video
Done a mix again. This time to Wabba my friend in Boston who has delighted me with a awesome stream and broadcast during the winter. We had talked alot about…
Had a lovely ride out on excursion south of my home. Roads was just beautiful like this
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/AICARKAS-LED-Flash-Warning-Light-Bar-2X-6LED-White-Amber-Red-Blue-Emergency-Strobe-Bulbs-Safety/32965959605.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.3da24c4dk8UplF Wanted som White and Amber lights in front to use as flash when Hazard is needed or that I want to make attention to the car in front of…