Virtual Audio Cable
The audio transfer between the computer and the streaming software, like OBS or BUTT Tricket is called Virtual Audio Cable Hi-Fi – Creates one or several audio outputs like an…
MC, DIY, Music, video
DeeJay from the past
The audio transfer between the computer and the streaming software, like OBS or BUTT Tricket is called Virtual Audio Cable Hi-Fi – Creates one or several audio outputs like an…
From the livestream from Download:
Mashup called DeeJay Skye vs. DJ Schmolli – Moonshine (Jaja ding dong ages mash) Used the mash Rock of Ages by Dj Schmolli with Zitti e bueno acapella. Some Jaja…
An extraction from my previous LiveStream on Full mix can be downloaded in mp3: DeeJay Skye – Livemix 210510 In a near future I will write and tell what…
Behövde en snyggare skiva till att under kontrollern för att få datormusen upp i samma höjd och ha lite avlastningsyta för andra saker. Riggen börjar ta sig och streaming en…
Finally got livestreaming software to work together with my mixer and decks. Took me about 4 years to get everyting to work. Broadcasting on Twitch: Testing on Mixcloud and…
From the stream @twitch this livemix got recorded
New mix is born. Oldies in a new dress and sound. Can be downloaded in MP3 here
Done a mix again. A midsummer one and hopefully people seeing it and listening here will add requests with song to get in the mix. That would be fun to…
Done a mix again. This time to Wabba my friend in Boston who has delighted me with a awesome stream and broadcast during the winter. We had talked alot about…
Done a mix again. Oldies and new shape. This one gets more and more into House Can be downloaded in MP3
This is an honest mix. Wherever I am, car or motorcycle, kind of this music has a flow in my ears. So I’m doing these mixes in own purposes, to…
New set of some tunes I found with new versions and compiled to yet anoter mix in the Café series. Tracks mostly from the 70’s, 80’s and the 90’s with…
Ny mix med lite soulaktiga toner och det var ett tag sen något nytt dök upp på spellistan. Vad gör man lixom en grå dag i november, nåt får ju…
Ny mix med lite klubbigare toner Denna som alla övriga finns att ladda ner för den som inte vill streama. Låtlista
Ny mix med tropiska inslag, rytmer och sköngung som ingår i den serie jag kallar ”fjord gets tropical”. Ett skönt sound att ha med i hjälm eller sitta och ta…
Fått tag i så mycket fräscht material av ljud att den orangea mixen inte lät vänta på sig utan blev gjord ganska fort. Kul att ha nåt nytt att lyssna…
Download Mixtape 11 here Var sugen på en ny högtalare med powerbank i sig samt lite fylligare bas. Hittade nåt stort i Kina som jag tänkte att jag provar. Den…