Skye’s fjelltour – 2017

Start: 1/7 – 2017 kl 08:00

Svensk sida

Skye’s Fjelltour 2016 on a motorbike in Norway.
After the success with the 2016 event and when it was finished a demand was to have another go 2017.
Very appreciated tour around roads perfect for motorcycle and more bikes should test it. This year we add the attendance list when all seats are full.

Gathering at Velemoen Camping, Vinje, Norway near Haukel 1900 hrs, 30th of June 2017. Map is available in show/hide details
The challenge is presented in a bikers meeting around 1900 hours when all have arrived. A more detailed explanation how the tour is about to be performed.
Saturday 1stJuly @ 8 o’clock the first group is about to leave. 10-12 hours later hopefully all groups will coming back. Discussing the route over a barbeque and show pictures of the challenges so it is veryfied as a finisher. The route is about 500 km around the county of Rogadalaand those fantastic mountains with fjords and some waypoints are in the GPS file to be explored and documented. Route will be able to download within a week from the start and also the roadbook for the tasks that should be made during the day. We will be able to help setting up the devices before the start and since most are riding in groups, it shouldn’t be that hard to find the way through. 

The attendent should have a camera and a smartphone will work just fine. It is to proof that the bike and rider have been there. The roadbook will explain the task what the rider have to do to compose the picture.

Depending how many bikes that will take part at the event you can choose from ride alone or in a team of 3-4 bikes. This is to prevent the long road line of bikes and have to wait for the last bike be seen in the mirror and different starttimes will also be presented. 7,5 minute between the riding groups It is always much safer if there is more people if an accident occurs and easier to follow the lead rider. The leaddriver has a huge responsible and could be an advice to change that person too along the way. This a squiggly tour, lots of corners, twisty hairpins, up in the mountains and down to the valley. Elevation will be between 800-1300m at the summits.

Take it easy. It is no race and we will have in mind all the time that security is the first thing to think of. We shall also will be see something of the surroundings. Guarenteed that a new postcard will reveal every 20 second.
Fuelstops and photographing will also take some time. There for it is good that there is room between the groups.

Type of bike is a minor concern. A light stretch of easy gravel for 5-10 km. It is a private made road but MC’s are allowed to pass without paying toll.

Lunch will be provided and stop in half of the tour done. Bring your own bottles, cans and cutlery. Water is provided along the way in service areas and free to drink. Just fill up your bottles cause it is important to drink much.

The evening will end with a barbeque and hopefully much chats about the day have been. A small cermony and diploma and badges will be given to accomplished route. There for we will know what bike you are at so it can be wrote down in the diploma. 

There is no guarntees about the weather. In west of Norway it can go from sunshine to rain in minutes. Be prepared and a form of rainsuit to put on is recommended.
Passangers are allowed, just add that you are two when register.

Price per participant is set to 500 SEK.

We have booked the whole camping and can use it as we like. There are 2-4-6- bed cabins. So sharing might be a must. Use the comments if you travel alone to see if there is any chance to share a cabin. It is plenty room for Tents if you like that kind of sleep. Accomendation is paid for each attendent by themself. Fee is just for the price and all administrative costs that an event like this need to have.
Also it prevents for fake bookings and you will find the formula for how to book further down reading

Booking will close one week before the event.

40 bikes and four Marshalls are set to max attendance in this early stage. A waiting list is also present if we choose to open for more attendances

See You in the Fjells!!

Impressions from 2015:

Views from 2016:

2017 ride in picture:


Links and files will get online when its about…

Booking closes 2017-06-25.

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FAQ in commentfield if there are any.

Further down you will see the attendees at Skye’s Fjelltur

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Check 2016 event

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